Leadership Learning Group provides programs and services to support your talent development goals and objectives. Talent and Organizational Development support services include:
- 360° Feedback
- Change and Transition Initiatives
- Customized Case Studies and Simulations
- Leadership Development
- Individual Management Coaching
- Performance Management
- Service Excellence Initiatives
- Strategic Planning
- Talent Development Guides
- Training Needs Assessment
- Talent Assessments
- Team Development
- Workplace Culture Initiative
Everything DiSC®
- Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® Profile
- Everything DiSC Management® Profile
- Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile
- Everything DiSC Sales® Profile
- Everything DiSC Classic® Profile
Situational Leadership® II
A proven, time-tested leadership model that has been used to train over 5 million managers in the world’s most respected organizations. Giving your people what they need ad it accelerates their development—creating a more productive, passionate workplace.It satisfies the brain’s need for certainty, autonomy and relatedness, creating a safe workplace where employees are free to problem solve, innovate, and collaborate.
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team has a simple goal: To create a learning experience that helps individuals and organizations reveal what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team in the most approachable, competent, and effective way possible. Participants will learn how to model Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results—to become a truly cohesive team.

Leadership Learning Group will tailor learning solutions to meet every client’s needs – from stand alone programs to company-wide customized training curriculums. LLG delivers high impact training in the following areas:
- Leadership and Management
- Communication
- Everything DiSC®
- Sales
- Soft Skills
- Classroom Based Teambuilding
- Sexual Harassment Prevention – NY and CT Mandated Training
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Leadership Learning Group may be engaged as an outsourced human resources partner or on a project basis to support your human resources function. HR support services include:
- Competency Development
- Employee Surveys
- Employee Relations
- Human Resources Audit
- Interview Support
- Job Descriptions
- Needs Assessment
- Orientation and On-boarding Programs
- Performance Management
- Recruitment Initiatives
- Strategy and Planning
- SOP Manuals
The DiSC® Personality Profile is a survey that has been taken by over 20 million people worldwide. The survey assesses an individual’s behavioral tendencies. We all have some degree of each style – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness – but tend to have one tendency that is more prevalent over the others. There is no “best” or “worst” style to have. The best teams are composed of individuals that have a variety of behavioral styles. The DiSC® results are used to improve communication, help a person understand their own behavioral tendencies, provide a framework for managing others, improve sales relationships and to assist people on teams to understand the styles of others that they work with and learn how to adapt their style to work more effectively.
The DiSC® profile may be customized to address one of five different areas:
a. Everything DiSC® Workplace
b. Everything DiSC® Management
c. Everything DiSC® Sales
d. Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders
e. DiSC® Classic
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Leadership Learning Group, LLC – (914) 906-9389