Everything Disc

The DiSC® Personality Profile is a survey that has been taken by over 20 million people worldwide. The survey assesses an individual’s behavioral tendencies. We all have some degree of each style – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness – but tend to have one tendency that is more prevalent over the others. There is no “best” or “worst” style to have. The best teams are composed of individuals that have a variety of behavioral styles. The DiSC® results are used to improve communication, help a person understand their own behavioral tendencies, provide a framework for managing others, improve sales relationships and to assist people on teams to understand the styles of others that they work with and learn how to adapt their style to work more effectively. 

The DiSC® profile may be customized to address one of four different areas:

      a. Everything DiSC® Workplace

A general assessment of your most preferred style(s) (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness or Conscientiousness) that can be used with any level within the organization. Everything DiSC Workplace explores the priorities that drive learners at work. Participants will learn to understand and appreciate their own style, and the styles of people they work with, leading to stronger and more productive working relationships.

      b. Everything DiSC® Management

A targeted assessment of your most preferred style, (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness or Conscientiousness) specifically addressing your style as it related to managing others. This DiSC addresses your behavioral style as it relates to Directing and Delegating, Creating a Motivational Environment, Developing Others, and Working with your Manager.

      c. Everything DiSC® Sales

A targeted assessment of your most preferred style, (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness or Conscientiousness) specifically focused on how to maximize your effectiveness related to sales and building relationships with clients. This DiSC addresses your behavioral style as it relates to Understanding your Sales Style, Understanding your Customer’s Buying Style, and Adapting and Navigating to your Customer’s Style.

      d. DiSC® Classic

The DiSC® Classic is best suited for companies that have utilized this assessment in the past, and would like to continue to offer this original learning platform. This targeted assessment provides a General Characteristics overview of an individual’s most preferred behavioral style – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness or Conscientiousness, and offers strategies on how to maximize the strengths of one’s style to build more effective working relationships.

Leadership Learning Group, LLC – (914) 906-9389